Technical SEO can be a phenomenal driver of targeted traffic to your e-commerce marketplace. Not only is it highly scalable, it can also be one of the most cost-effective ways to generate organic traffic. Our infographic offers a handy introduction to some low hanging fruit.
There’s definitely a need for some succinct information. Unfortunately, many marketplace entrepreneurs underestimate the importance and huge potential of investing in technical SEO. This is mostly due to a lack of understanding of what it is and a lack of technical expertise for its implementation.
Admittedly, it can be a complicated affair to cover all the different (and sometimes complex) aspects. That’s why we decided to put together this infographic which neatly summarises ten powerful ways to energise your technical SEO game.
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Summary of the areas covered in the technical SEO infographic
Short definition
Why is it important?
Ten tips for marketplaces
(Google ranking signals are in bold)
- Structured data
- Security
- Speed
- Mobile friendliness
- Site architecture and navigation
- User experience
- Duplicate content
- Broken links
- Images
- Meta tags
For a more in-depth tutorial check out our comprehensive post – Technical SEO: the hidden engine of marketplace growth. In it we do a deep dive into its parameters and how it relates to other forms of SEO. The post also covers best practices for implementation and offers evidence for its advantages versus other marketplace growth drivers.
It pays to invest in technical SEO. Despite its many, often challenging, moving parts, the rewards are significant. Proper implementation could mean the difference between success and failure for your marketplace. Partner with an experienced development team for the best results.
CobbleWeb has a successful track record of implementing technical SEO for high-growth marketplace platforms. Have a look at our case studies or get in touch if you need assistance with any aspect of your marketplace development.