There are several advantages to allowing users to build wish lists by favouriting or liking products. Firstly, wish lists provide valuable user data for more personalised product recommendations. Buyers are more likely to make a purchase, the more relevant recommendations are to them.
They also encourage potential buyers to explore your platform, since products can be liked or favourited from multiple locations, such as the search results page, the individual product listing page, the order details page, or even the shopping cart.
Retaining access to wish lists can incentivise users to create an account. Once created, wish lists act like reminders, which is great for repeat sales. This can also be useful when a product is currently out of stock.
We implemented such a wish list system for Affordable Art Fair with great success. It is, for instance, used by buyers who want to compare combinations of paintings for a room or a house.
The ability to add favourites to an account can also be used to enhance the customer experience. Only1cent’s contact tracking app permits customers to add their guests as favourites to restaurant check-ins. This saves time at future check-ins.
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