
This metrics family goes beyond determining what users are doing, this aims to seek the fundamental reason why things exist at all. We help our clients discover their business in a way they will constantly evolve their thinking and their products to realise their ultimate vision.

Growth hacking

This is all about the best way to acquire, activate, retain and convert your user base. We refer to Pirates Metrics Model to measure and analyse our clients’ website/mobile apps, adjusting whatever is necessary to improve performance.

Technical metrics

These help you to track if the product is working as expected and quickly identify technical problems.

UX/UI metrics

The aim of UX/UI metrics is to help you predict what will move the audience. What will get them to play, click, laugh, and engage. This shapes interfaces into something the users will love.

Wonder what needs to be measured?

With all the analytics options available, it's easy to get lost in all the data. Your success depends on finding the right data and applying the best practices. Let's work together to see how we could hack your growth.